Office Number: 051 492 1852 | Office Cell: +27 61 408 4123 | Postal Address for DNA samples: Suite 5 Reitz Park, 78 President Reitz Ave, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301 | Package Reference: “WAGYU”
Wagyu Social development report released at AGM
Purpose: Getting developing farmers engaged in farming with a niche product such as Wagyu is one of the corporate goals of the WagyuBreed Society. Target commercially orientated emerging farmers that want to be part of a value chain that produces high value beef. Reportwill focus ontheactivities fromthe13thof May to 13thSeptember 2021
WSD Focus: WSD is currently focusing on threeactivities i.e. establishingademonstration site( Booyskraal farm),abusiness model& then access to Wagyu genetics & breeding plan. 11:30:192021-10-18 11:41:45Wagyu Social development report released at AGM