Our annual Junior Inspection course took place on the 24th of February 2022 at WCF Feedlot in Parys. This is the first Inspection course to be held since the outbreak of Covid-19. As per the Wagyu regulations, Wagyu breeders are permitted to inspect their own cattle on-farm after the completion of a Junior Inspection course and completing a refresher course every 2 years. The course was attended by 31 people. We were privileged to have Mr Charl Hunlun present the course to us again this year. Charl has many years of experience working with Beef Cattle and specifically Wagyu Cattle. Charl has been inspecting Wagyu cattle since the beginning of the Society and is very familiar with the uniqueness of the Wagyu Breed. We would like to thank Charl for his time as well as Platinum Beef and WCF Feedlot for the use of their facilities and hosting our Inspection Course. The next Inspection course will be held later this year with more detail to follow closer to the time.