Using hair cards correctly

The office has received several samples in haircards that have been incorrectly placed. Here are a few tips to ensure that proper hair samples are taken. As well as reducing the risk of contamination:

  • Pull the hair out of the tail in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  • Ensure that the sample size is at least the thickness of a pencil.
  • Stick the roots of the hair to the glued side of the haircard. Cut off the excess hair from the haircard.
  • Avoid touching the roots of the hair.
  • Don’t put the sample directly on any surface.
  • Immediately stick the sample to the haircard.
  • Include the animal ID and RFID on the haircard.
  • Properly close the haircard after inserting the sample.
  • Do not work with multiple samples at the same time.

View the video on using hair cards on the Wagyu YouTube channel

Rangeland Beef

Certified Wagyu Beef is launching the inclusion of Rangeland Beef a Nampo. The CWB program is inclusive of different production systems that conform to the requirements as set out by the CWB protocol and scheme. It is the onus of the producer to ensure that their production system meets the requirements as set out by CWB.

CWB has made provision for the inclusion of Rangeland Beef. Rangeland Beef under the CWB Scheme will refer to Wagyu raised for slaughter under the principles of Free Range, Slow Grown, Hormone Free and pasture reared. Animals raised under Rangeland Beef conditions will not go through the feedlot phase, instead, they are raised and reared on veld or pastures until slaughter. Veld- or pasture-reared animals are traditionally smaller to medium-framed units which are well adapted to the environment in which they are kept. It is therefore recommended that producers use a (dam line) breed to cross Wagyu that is well suited to their production environment, and which could facilitate a viable and sustainable end product.

Producers that participate in Rangeland Beef must inform the CWB office and the auditing body. The requirements for Rangeland Beef for each entity are provided in the protocol documentation. The new audit checklists with the criteria for Rangeland Beef are available from the CWB office. Contact Tumi at

Nampo 2023

The Wagyu Society will once again be seen at Nampo 2023 from 16-19 May. The popular Wagyu Burger will be on the menu again. During Nampo 2022 there were over 5000 Wagyu Burgers sold. This year our Gold Sponsors will also be selling Wagyu biltong & droëwors, which is sure to be a hit.

Due to the current unresolved status of FMD, no Wagyu animals will be seen at Nampo this year. The Society is also selling out the clothing stock in the office. Contact the office to enquire what is available beforehand and pick it up at the Wagyu House during the Nampo week.

We look forward to meeting you there!

Breeding Tools 101: What are EBV’s?

The Breed Improvement & Product Support Committees have put together an easy-to-understand manual for members. This is the first in a series of manuals to be released throughout the following months. Breeding Tools 101 illustrates what exactly contributes to creating EBVs. This helpful tool will guide you to not only understand EBVs but also how to use EBVs in your herd.

You can download the manual from the Wagyu website by following the link

Breeding Tools 101: What are EBV’s?

The Breed Improvement & Product Support Committees have put together an easy-to-understand manual for members. This is the first in a series of manuals to be released throughout the following months. Breeding Tools 101 illustrates what exactly contributes to creating EBVs. This helpful tool will guide you to not only understand EBVs but also how to use EBVs in your herd.

You can download the manual from the Wagyu website by following the link

The Wagyu Seminar 2023 – The current status of LITS SA

The fourth Wagyu Seminar 2023 was scheduled on the 14th of April 2023 @ 11h00. Willie Clack gave an overview of the LITS SA system. Establishing traceability in South Africa is part of the 2030 Red Meat Industry plan. The system currently allows farmers to voluntarily register and give feedback on the system. Follow the link to register on the system

Don’t miss out on our next Wagyu Seminar scheduled for the 12th of May 2023 @ 11h00. All members, family, and staff are invited to attend the seminar, as attendance is free. Register at

Follow our YouTube channel where we post videos about everything Wagyu in South Africa.

How to complete the birth notification form

The birth notification form is used to record calves born on the farm. As well as the first nominations for the calf’s sire & dam. On this form the linkage between calf ID and RFID (for traceability) is made. This form is used to record births for Seedstock (Herdbook register), CWB (slaughter register) and base animals.  BREEDPLAN uses the information for the birth notification form to calculate the following EBV’s:

  • Days to Calving (DTC) – Fertility trait (from the AI date).
  • Calving Ease (CE) – Fertility trait (from Calving Ease Scores)
  • Birth Weight – Fertility (Calving Ease) & growth trait