

Wagyu producers told Wagyu consumption has increased fourfold over the last year at annual AGM

Mr Johan de Vos, chairman of the Wagyu Society of South Africa and its subsidiary,
Certified Wagyu Beef (CWB), told the Wagyu AGM on the 30th September that
Wagyu in South Africa has experienced a fourfold increase in consumption of meat
over the last year.

Where we used to slaughter 2030 oxen a week, this has increased to 120150 per
week and based on international trends the society predicts that this trajectory will
continue for at least the next two decades. He says that this increase can be
objectively proven from CWB data collected at nine abattoirs, spread across the

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Wagyu Social development report released at AGM

Getting developing farmers engaged in farming with a niche product such as Wagyu is one of
the corporate goals of the Wagyu Breed Society. Target commercially orientated emerging
farmers that want to be part of a value chain that produces high value beef. Report will focus
on the activities from the 13th of May to 13th September 2021

WSD Focus:

WSD is currently focusing on three activities i.e. establishing a demonstration site ( Booyskraal
farm), a business model & then access to Wagyu genetics & breeding plan.

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Wagyu SA in good financial shape; AGM Report (WSA AGM Financial report)

Financial Committee:
As the board representative of finances, together with the CEO, we are pleased to present the
financial report for the Wagyu Society of South Africa for the 20202021 financial year, ending
June 2021.

Executive summary:

The overall financial position of the WSA is positive with a profit of R395 000 and is supported by
a steady R 908 000 bank balance (growing in the money market account) at 30 June 2021. The
dampened membership growth, sponsorships and semen and royalties, has however meant that
mitigation steps have been put in place. As reported last year, the CEO now has a shared
responsibility with Wagyu and the Livestock Registering Federation (LRF). Due to Covid 19, the
board closed the office and it then reopened this year.

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